

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-08-01 00:19:25 / 个人分类:数据库

8ioTr+\.I$RJq F;p+?0来源于网络51Testing软件测试网7o:o:f"e^J1N2W


DB2常用SQL的写法(持续更新中...)51Testing软件测试网 b{n t:jZ
-- Author: lavasoft51Testing软件测试网}k%R ]bF u
-- Date  :  2006-12-1451Testing软件测试网Oh$V4X6^7pNj$p#|
P vV9[)@\0-- 创建一个自定义单值类型
.['n7?/K*xv r0create  distinct type var_newtype
x"]~P8O+jI s&f ~ [;^0 as decimal(5,2) with comparisons;
z P})l0RS0 -- var_newtype 类型名51Testing软件测试网;`,yM3k$td U!m D
 -- decimal(5,2) 实际的类型51Testing软件测试网 \3~aZ1y_@
-I/cq-F8X3c7Rk^0-- 删除一个自定义单值类型
BqD^ |Nn0drop distinct type var_newtype;
~6{a ?y!DOso0 51Testing软件测试网]y b%i~,Z*m7I0]3L
-- 创建一个自定义结构数据类型51Testing软件测试网u%xS S~u)v Z b)K
create type my_type as(
:G8B4z4dV PD0 username varchar(20),
(C%g`I$X0gqk&gD0 department integer,51Testing软件测试网0|EJdK
 salary decimal(10,2))
;x3LD.A!H-T+h0 not final
(p4U}U(Rx5fp0 mode db2sql;


Mr#h+b'j8cR0-- 修改自定义结构数据类型,我目前还没有发现删除属性的方法.
7@8WIx_vmGA0alter type my_type51Testing软件测试网 M,MX+c,Vz#|w9KzQ
add attribute hiredate date;
"U%T Fe\+})I I HU0 
.a(Z%[2^0K0-- 删除自定义结构数据类型
y V| S2f Y {c){E0drop type my_type;

3Ht\k Gf@0

n7Yyc9R0-- 获取系统当前日期51Testing软件测试网?1[;GpkD ?| p5js@
select current date from sysibm.sysdummy1;
C~6Q|8W!]"R!w+y;@0select current time from sysibm.sysdummy1;
\Z#~:{(C5P6e.t'Z h0select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1;

Z.CTlH'fI A051Testing软件测试网[&I/GKh?

 --sysibm.sysdummy1表是一个特殊的内存中的表,用它可以发现如上面演示的 DB2 寄存器的值。您也可以使用关键字 VALUES 来对寄存器或表达式求值。51Testing软件测试网@qT,u;F%?C7r
VALUES current date;51Testing软件测试网&j%EWn"E
VALUES current time;51Testing软件测试网&W cOl Rff n
VALUES current timestamp;51Testing软件测试网)vQ{'a_sh
%_ w5Aea N3K@0-- VALUES的更多用法
3o/N w&b^r;@e0VALUES 2+5;51Testing软件测试网]8`'z"dvdh(`
VALUES 'hello lavasoft!';
'Kyv5H YXd"B0 
R!?F*C\r0values 5651Testing软件测试网 k6a(JP(y8i%N`
union all51Testing软件测试网w[ii%O]6e%pf
values 45;
+mkE[6s)l L K o$^0 51Testing软件测试网5mc3[ c9XZ&?W
values 1,2,3,4,5,651Testing软件测试网 wn7i eLj(H$I!t
union all51Testing软件测试网&ccS1L M7S y ?
values 7,8,9,10,11,1251Testing软件测试网at1}d6{,M4db~
order by 1;


-- 更多变态级DB2 SQL写法,AnyOneTable表示任意一个存在的表
3V.\7WsM LV0select 234 from AnyOneTable;
"}9E+]{'x~p&mx"j0select distinct 234 from AnyOneTable;51Testing软件测试网tYR } TP
select distinct 234 as 1 from AnyOneTable;
+q$y!u2O!z;qv4Xp]G0 51Testing软件测试网T"ScI [n5VfM
select 'DB2变态级的SQL哈哈' from AnyOneTable;51Testing软件测试网 t,m@"uo M;E
select distinct 'DB2变态级的SQL哈哈' from AnyOneTable;51Testing软件测试网$S,muSYxb]#Pk^
select distinct 'DB2变态级的SQL哈哈' as 1 from AnyOneTable;51Testing软件测试网&W s _``1RS gF
}2T+hB"M2qf j0 51Testing软件测试网A*J(B@/|_
-- 定义变量,还可以设定默认值,给变量赋值51Testing软件测试网7l1Z-T6KMMN
declare var1 char(2);51Testing软件测试网0ldf0~?
declare var2 int default 0;51Testing软件测试网*x%o:FC G#H H:Y:_8O
set var1 = 'aa';
h+I kY9N/MV0set var2 =23;
&t)d&T[AJHc`0declare d_cur integer;
1j y$D4e yq ck0 
wzt.B"_gZ?0-- 给变量赋值的另一种方法
&x"B:^;wk _!UO!OQ1]0values expr1, expr2, expr3 into a, b, c;51Testing软件测试网p#h~n9s+z{
 -- 相当于51Testing软件测试网z)t)aW;P)X"t|
set a = expr1;51Testing软件测试网3Fc*Z kr9H9G
set b = expr2;51Testing软件测试网f4WKL a8M
set c = expr3;
e5U$ldd,AGO0-- 还有一种赋值方式51Testing软件测试网I]$Snja+p ox
set prodname = (case
)uwQ$Y hu0                  when (name is not null) then name
3z:yhK5|*FK0                  when (namestr is not null) then namestr51Testing软件测试网%] ^!q].PO3nS3P
                  else  defaultname51Testing软件测试网Zm6?9y7Y+I
%m&u!ez(~nB8B)d/k0 -- 相当于51Testing软件测试网H QO D"_ p1_
set prodname = coalesce(name, namestr, defaultname);51Testing软件测试网}1h W$vH}

!F S~w-|z,X0

$B1X1NG OaV/c0-- 定义一个游标
+\RW;C7gr0declare cur1 cursor with return to client for select * from dm_hy;
Z$e"D'Xk3Evx0declare cur2 cursor for select * from dm_hy; -- 静态游标

^[(|+r@IKv%c051Testing软件测试网,j,PN#rmA Z1i3QAy

-- 创建数据表,并添加注释,插入数据.
Y6HY'O9x8}M0CREATE TABLE tbr_catalog (51Testing软件测试网2t@4H!Np
  id bigint  not null  generated by default as identity,
_3A9iw)n0  type smallint not null,
q(aU)\Osh0  name varchar(255),51Testing软件测试网![@{_;VY6zw4G*V
  parentid bigint,51Testing软件测试网 R&Faj E`&p$\,m
  cataloglevel bigint,
)\ }^i n/D:E `q0  descrīption varchar(255),
Z6F;C)HD;OI'u m r0  PRIMARY KEY  (id)51Testing软件测试网!G$}}y2v5z[
*DFc S\ L0 comment on table tbr_catalog is 'Birt报表目录表';
m L"e I`6SE0 comment on column tbr_catalog.ID is '标识';51Testing软件测试网 kf%qw@o1B @N(H
 comment on column tbr_catalog.type is '目录类型';
c2Z u'N D0 comment on column tbr_catalog.name is '目录名称';
Nxsn~#HR0 comment on column tbr_catalog.parentid is '目录父标识';
,o#`:ZyE0 comment on column tbr_catalog.cataloglevel is '目录层次';
h4T&M_3C&E0 comment on column tbr_catalog.descrīption is '目录描述';51Testing软件测试网4\ [ UB$]Gd
 -- 给数据表插入数据
OC9RVY3si0insert into tbr_catalog(id, type, name, parentid, cataloglevel, descrīption)
8@@1ba.Dt0values (1, 0, '系统报表', 0, 0, '');
z+J `)i:pq0F"l7\0insert into tbr_catalog(id, type, name, parentid, cataloglevel, descrīption)
r3E cd\0values (2, 1, '用户报表', 0, 0, '');51Testing软件测试网4v ?8F h"K3}
e'ZA:MyJ0-- 创建外键51Testing软件测试网n?8pd r
alter table tbr_storage51Testing软件测试网!RqkTjoC
 add constraint fk_tbr_storage51Testing软件测试网Yz%Ve.a{h
 foreign key (catalogid)
/^1aqk;c0 references tbr_catalog(id);51Testing软件测试网'U4j iw};ji&|
3jO;i8g/r&{U9r"F0-- 更改表,添加列51Testing软件测试网/fFh]6c2ip
alter table aaa add sex varchar(1);


:cR!}/Z9`0L0-- 更改表,删除列51Testing软件测试网9C#Hxh"Db
alter table aaa drop column sex;
jbo;]#\~/u0-- 去掉参数前后的空格

51Testing软件测试网 ^vqn*UK"@gd

-- 定义临时表,通过已有person表来创建51Testing软件测试网o-cx2J1t3a-z
declare global temporary table gbl_temp51Testing软件测试网9E \3b/ldM%s/hm
like person51Testing软件测试网$r"ePqkF'O)gV0s
on commit delete rows --提交时删除数据
8p+N{*u~Gu0not logged -- 不在日志中纪录
` d yvCih-T8itK0in usr_tbsp -- 选用表空间
)tm*}k/^-{q0 -- 此语句创建一个名为 gbl_temp 的用户临时表。定义此用户临时表 所使用的列的名称和说明与 person 的列的名称和说明完全相同。51Testing软件测试网(N,{{j!T/\
 51Testing软件测试网 Gp~ ~-Mki)c|k
-- 创建有两个字段的临时表 
1HNl"y^d|h0    -- 定义一个全局临时表tmp_hy51Testing软件测试网&Hm2M%]%^)c4K
declare global temporary table session.tmp_hy
X']-qEd0    (
KYUs"X0       dm varchar(10),51Testing软件测试网#or%v"H6a
       mc varchar(10)        
ATVHz@(}0    )51Testing软件测试网l1Vm \7r,DlP
     with replace -- 如果存在此临时表,则替换51Testing软件测试网yr!CSu%U4lB
     not logged;  -- 不在日志里纪录51Testing软件测试网{JQAhC8G3PSs(y
    -- 给临时表插入三条数据51Testing软件测试网oXk M q })m"~ G#s
    insert into session.tmp_hy values('1','1');51Testing软件测试网%_7GDD'm6] m
    insert into session.tmp_hy values('1','1');51Testing软件测试网/p*w@#|$qC
    insert into session.tmp_hy values('1','1');
,F'pc uZ`7|SuPw;F0 
NI,n$~5{S F&{+E0-- 通过查询批量插入数据51Testing软件测试网2m^&TP$s6A;h*T#k W
inster into tab_bk(select code,name from table book);
Y:V5g Ihg0-- select ... into的用法
5`$EByWO_N%Fc0select * into :h1, :h2, :h3, :h4
'x*I;w4pG,Q9{`4W[v0     from emp
S#o:_-MF#es&py0     where empno = '528671';
\#V!Ah5Cg*Wn0 51Testing软件测试网 ZVf;RY&S TOW
-- 语句的流程控制
_0^*c)t's^}0if() then51Testing软件测试网y6r9CD N3AE @!~
 open cur151Testing软件测试网j-[ rK]
 fetch cur1 into t_equipid;
yl*W4qY0 while(at_end<>1)do
Z4`D6U3}g)X0  ......
7vOddihAS0 set t_temp=0;                                                           51Testing软件测试网2wW B~ \a#g mz
 end while;51Testing软件测试网eio3lv^\9m6w*S
 close cur1;51Testing软件测试网)]!U'H:}\2ZwFo
*KGNPcu!uO0end if;51Testing软件测试网K'\6_*?3J#Y9]

ej(s{kRu8D0-- 外连接51Testing软件测试网 sz&id$?jy
select empno,deptname,projname51Testing软件测试网S1]sBM;N&?
  from (emplyoee
sc:qHj9v)JK0  left outer join project51Testing软件测试网^,l+f*I2AB
  on respemp=empon)51Testing软件测试网zV ^.lg]]
  left outer join department
Uh2P'_N0  on mgrno=empno;51Testing软件测试网 |:_Cx4M
 51Testing软件测试网1a8kVX pJ#N
-- in、like、order by(... ASC|DESC)的用法51Testing软件测试网'V/fRZ4P;`J yH
select * from book t51Testing软件测试网jL$]#Z$Iw
where t.name like '%J_编程%'
MF-x dALF(GD{T0and t.code in('J565333','J565222');51Testing软件测试网0[-t(R'|O%X#i
order by t.name asc51Testing软件测试网S@7{ ?O)u+n
Z AyP&\)k:w*`0-- 汇总表(概念复杂,难以理解,不常用)51Testing软件测试网hi4{a(r+\ p
create summary table sumy_stable1
Qb0cP/?+_l7R0  as (select workdept,
y2h'x:@9k-z2W0d0    count(*) as reccount,51Testing软件测试网m f"oYo
    sum(salary) as salary,51Testing软件测试网)x`3cC s3I
    sum(bonus) as bonus
+VF4F2b3G#d` x;R? n0  from employee group by workdept)
&D a)jGV0 data initially deferred
s#z5GQO*G0 refresh immediate;51Testing软件测试网0vP4]4[cl?
-- 使用SQL一次处理一个集合语义51Testing软件测试网7XYs0G7h `
-- (优化前) select语句中每行的过程层和数据流层之间都有一个上下文切换51Testing软件测试网f|1R;|u\
declare cur1 cursor for col1,col2 from tab_comp;
r0Dn'og7_0open cur1;
$rZIh ttN0fetch cur1 into v1,v2;
]P3yh_7]0while SQLCODE<> 100 do51Testing软件测试网uu1e-|r.M:i'x
 if (v1>20) then51Testing软件测试网}J_U2\ mk
  insert into tab_sel values(20,v1);
o'H&jJ}D N0 else
3aJ'd:w\2X9r0  insert into tab_sel values(v1,v2);51Testing软件测试网cG {]Zru
 end if;51Testing软件测试网,LR xG R Q3rl
 fetch cur1 into v1,v2;51Testing软件测试网/?d*t{X^E
end while;
X \$N*lZX}l0 51Testing软件测试网QD0k5{*V*K;g+BfV
-- (优化后)没有过程层和数据流层之间的上下文切换51Testing软件测试网bA6L,QF7BJ(~"d
declare cur1 cursor for col1,col2 from tab_comp;51Testing软件测试网-qSF6[(D] } n
open cur1;51Testing软件测试网!jfn?$w.S
fetch cur1 into v1,v2;
I uV C-b]%\0while SQLCODE<> 100 do
)m{w,p-|%}0 insert into tab_sel(select (case
NQV^n:d(o0         when col1>20 then 2051Testing软件测试网d)g l4{ ]c{5w9UL6p*d
            else col151Testing软件测试网B4D$Tn!cp
4NF v0m.Kj_Q;p4v0        col251Testing软件测试网A"`7];TN9}e
      from tab_comp);
t:[M4ox1M0 fetch cur1 into v1,v2;
%k#p,^`3_f^(_7]0end while;51Testing软件测试网H6Hz v'ZG
 51Testing软件测试网-X/F0}!~&cI@m L
-- DB2函数分三类:列函数、标量函数、表函数
~,`8{9_hq5}#BD0-- 列函数输入一组数据,输出单一结果。
,SJ;BXc0-- 标量函数接收一个值,返回另外一个值。51Testing软件测试网j;u&E@*]s"LK#h^?E
-- 表函数只能用于SQL语句的from字句中,它返回一个表的列,类似于一个已创建的常规表。51Testing软件测试网x$Y6R,}v bk

51Testing软件测试网 N2rSM+C

-- 下面是个标量函数的例子。
%_ezTfn0create function (salary int,bonus_percent int)51Testing软件测试网'v l5p-~i|{U
returns int
"v7JC0I+i,d.l;K)H0v0language SQL contains SQL
wdk*eRD N0 salary * bonus_percent/10051Testing软件测试网rk-L$Z}-pz_
)51Testing软件测试网$@0T \,W/@mjjo'^n

2Ev!g T(d5nb"t)[L"v,d0-- 下面是表函数
*L N,Cg'Y0create function get_marks(begin_range int,end_range int)51Testing软件测试网8v%}0etyv#OE
 returns table(cid candidate_id,51Testing软件测试网 p4e#e kf){xS
       number test_id,
9^ m/D0\Q'E;t0       score score)51Testing软件测试网k#I#]*bL,oT
 language SQL reads SQL DATA51Testing软件测试网-i[!GwCVj
    select cid,number,score
(o,RB\8P:o4qxLR0    from test_taken
8{"B t"Zvn4l0    where salary between (begin_range) and score(end_range)51Testing软件测试网9{ro*y:KZv5B)R
 51Testing软件测试网S B*| S-] T
L(d8^1M t;P z0example 1: define a scalar function that returns the tangent of a value using the existing sine and cosine functions.51Testing软件测试网C5vV1E)Rf
   create function tan (x double)51Testing软件测试网9x S:nW7Umj$g
     returns double
+VsyF1l0     language sql51Testing软件测试网#Hs(F,o C%C_:|%D!S
     contains sql51Testing软件测试网rSd8_z'S8c
     no external action
3f!V&DZ9U FV0     deterministic
VZ$]7e n/n(S!E:]&I0     return sin(x)/cos(x)              51Testing软件测试网 Y.u&L3z:\1Q2i4Lp

b0FiL?-h4r:T0example 2: define a transform function for the structured type person.
qA*c*h2lfA}e,lF1m9^8f0    51Testing软件测试网-L#P$OS3D'L3R
   create function fromperson (p person)51Testing软件测试网/UcLTkF8~W
     returns row (name varchar(10), firstname varchar(10))
y#W/QY$I7{ K0     language sql51Testing软件测试网*F9My9\4|#p7aF
     contains sql
*xhI-I Tz0     no external action
O2Z`Cz!~)M0     deterministic
3Zc j1w%|0     return values (p..name, p..firstname)

6C4O ]$Z&R4Mjnmw051Testing软件测试网q#F5u@*xG-a rK

example 3: define a table function that returns the employees in a specified department number.
3GYr7k~'Z%GS0W!u0   create function deptemployees (deptno char(3))51Testing软件测试网&kQfz#DGs)T
     returns table (empno char(6),51Testing软件测试网9|E8_X-\ u+i1^(C
                    lastname varchar(15),51Testing软件测试网EY6Q_[.t.DN.u6g
                    firstname varchar(12))51Testing软件测试网)y0g&M8pSv"@
     language sql51Testing软件测试网3[@E1Tz,r
     reads sql data51Testing软件测试网dLT g\8^1T
     no external action51Testing软件测试网&MuV9K3Vq#ZY
%u%d fd"b N2Q;e'p:pok?F0     return
4YC2AfO G0       select empno, lastname, firstnme51Testing软件测试网5k-l5j+N)K%r N
         from employee51Testing软件测试网on"Vco
         where employee.workdept = deptemployees.deptno51Testing软件测试网'R#Z'I:l%D[j3t [2I

lO,O3L,l,M0| |6RP0example 4: define a scalar function that reverses a string.
"~3pf#nXe7WE0   create function reverse(instr varchar(4000))
&g&?ib$[]0     returns varchar(4000)
y*G1H2~"QG0     deterministic no external action contains sql51Testing软件测试网-gm+q}4ath&k"zQ0}
     begin atomic51Testing软件测试网"q B&i O(}iDG)g:e `
     declare revstr, reststr varchar(4000) default '';
/r8xSf:q%z7g)|+_ X0     declare len int;51Testing软件测试网K;Ln"zz hPJ
     if instr is null then
n{A`(b1N.z!L0     return null;51Testing软件测试网 kvaD3AE
     end if;51Testing软件测试网+Ej!K)oG0U
     set (reststr, len) = (instr, length(instr));51Testing软件测试网Ogo"` A `(E aMa
     while len > 0 do51Testing软件测试网e5j de\dY#[
     set (revstr, reststr, len)51Testing软件测试网p]5[1D;US
       = (substr(reststr, 1, 1) concat revstr,51Testing软件测试网c+s*`N5P
       substr(reststr, 2, len - 1),
z l%Xhi|}y0       len - 1);
8P5aRo;r"K0     end while;51Testing软件测试网^OWN ne/j
     return revstr;
t rz G{ }v$b$oYc0   end


R)l/J5r})gQo9Od.U0example 4: define the table function from example 4 with auditing.
M@.c*HV0   create function deptemployees (deptno char(3))51Testing软件测试网Zg-`8tb]!P
     returns table (empno char(6),
Hm!pZU+s$^{0                    lastname varchar(15),
X#V3dt?g k0                    firstname varchar(12))51Testing软件测试网 Vh#u!rP!D
     language sql51Testing软件测试网&y+DR\p)V4O Q3i
     modifies sql data51Testing软件测试网%N*r MZu X!TV&h
     no external action51Testing软件测试网S_;O| p
6[~.vjvc!v0     begin atomic
,o$Y)rS d0       insert into audit51Testing软件测试网"xh/ko7r Z;r
       values (user,51Testing软件测试网 C%hRd6IwyC1F
               'table: employee prd: deptno = ' concat deptno);
cU*Ce9t W+feE0       return51Testing软件测试网!ee7jP9^5JT#f3_
         select empno, lastname, firstnme51Testing软件测试网7b@,]f"X2I1B"M
           from employee
{x5Xu0P I8x?O0           where employee.workdept = deptemployees.deptno51Testing软件测试网7n?Mz}vaM E
;Qkv0cX!F_0-- for循环语句的用法
2E&sC"Ra z_-jHW;?0begin atomic51Testing软件测试网)S'x)V4Y5@
 declare fullname char(40);
,IF G;](QB0 for vl as51Testing软件测试网7s[rR,f
   select firstnme, midinit, lastname from employee51Testing软件测试网1F't9d|/c
(y{)sC#W1j }d9t0  set fullname = lastname concat ','51Testing软件测试网L;q p$H^
    concat firstnme concat ' ' concat midinit;
zbQ xs$t0  insert into tnames values (fullname);
`d&k c"Aqu0 end for51Testing软件测试网S/MB%H#w'Rz8I
-- leave的用法51Testing软件测试网.J? I3Isd`TYY
create procedure leave_loop(out counter integer)
.r h K R H[8E,r0 language sql51Testing软件测试网1N9v un0LnX1{!k!vx
V%FXou;X6v:T0   declare v_counter integer;51Testing软件测试网!u\"j$`Ak
   declare v_firstnme varchar(12);
0W/|a)GX.C.sY%P6\y0   declare v_midinit char(1);51Testing软件测试网y\3_1]4B)dTUZi$o
   declare v_lastname varchar(15);51Testing软件测试网9P'M"v? W.Bp*G6{#G,`
   declare at_end smallint default 0;51Testing软件测试网tgI-f$D
   declare not_found condition for sqlstate '02000';
zVV)u s0C:vZ4y0   declare c1 cursor for51Testing软件测试网 s$]tt:aC*qC3JO6G%u'\
  select firstnme, midinit, lastname51Testing软件测试网 @$t'~BX0FUR
    from employee;51Testing软件测试网igNP3A;v(h
   declare continue handler for not_found51Testing软件测试网!c8Yh'Ua&q
  set at_end = 1;51Testing软件测试网?8f6xvd6ie
   set v_counter = 0;51Testing软件测试网/o` \n+C"GK1u
   open c1;
9nZ3@U+PPs4m4i0   fetch_loop:51Testing软件测试网1x-Tp#q/g{-C!a2M+G
R!v1GF+v,m"P0  fetch c1 into v_firstnme, v_midinit, v_lastname;51Testing软件测试网$J#bK] ] dR
  if at_end <> 0 then leave fetch_loop;51Testing软件测试网1o kN"U"x
  end if;51Testing软件测试网%MRSg8A pM
  set v_counter = v_counter + 1;51Testing软件测试网X%| `(\ ?;U
   end loop fetch_loop;
:S(Ii*^;fq1u8`l0   set counter = v_counter;51Testing软件测试网uH!oO*V'r-dg
   close c1;51Testing软件测试网L#]2Y jr\


3I B1q"@&M r2Ra0-- if语句的用法51Testing软件测试网 c,JJ Y:J,w9f^1i$Gxx0a
   create procedure update_salary_if51Testing软件测试网EV)ji0y
     (in employee_number char(6), inout rating smallint)51Testing软件测试网-R|B)o$Q%T;Wb
     language sql51Testing软件测试网.y k,OK7HM_
5Guw x |"\,{C7qO3R0       declare not_found condition for sqlstate '02000';51Testing软件测试网r2H!w'vrlka-h
       declare exit handler for not_found
jv y9S[0         set rating = -1;
s6uG O1By0NF&z0       if rating = 151Testing软件测试网w!\/JKcZl"|"G)H
         then update employee51Testing软件测试网 A0w Y Q!c L*cu
         set salary = salary * 1.10, bonus = 1000
4\1|8M1|6JN5V0         where empno = employee_number;51Testing软件测试网MpJ R7uaP
       elseif rating = 251Testing软件测试网U"c$cWI7`3~I!a
         then update employee
tt r*R6e/O'L\$A0         set salary = salary * 1.05, bonus = 50051Testing软件测试网rc*i9{"C'f'H&I
         where empno = employee_number;
S*~gf:U [%lE0       else update employee51Testing软件测试网2P8y4{(t.Q*{
         set salary = salary * 1.03, bonus = 0
*Gr+J%gd,x D0         where empno = employee_number;
8~Tlh QYE0       end if;51Testing软件测试网2Yj,yA}
     end51Testing软件测试网*TW b6p-{
9E7db5@Z)Q~"@0-- loop的用法51Testing软件测试网y"e?\*}
   create procedure loop_until_space(out counter integer)
'SFNoD0     language sql
D u"_&v.v0     begin
T LC5F/c N:Tc"O0       declare v_counter integer default 0;51Testing软件测试网 x(SE3i `&@8y K
       declare v_firstnme varchar(12);
ThP&cm;Mx(f(R0       declare v_midinit char(1);51Testing软件测试网2L&VIq`&opV
       declare v_lastname varchar(15);51Testing软件测试网zm/x9y3~l N#xS+U
       declare c1 cursor for51Testing软件测试网+z"MG'\'z(}E
         select firstnme, midinit, lastname51Testing软件测试网I7W R%g X d/rv-i
           from employee;51Testing软件测试网Z(jX` Z ri
       declare continue handler for not found
~.v4?b:Css0         set counter = -1;
_]8xN7G0       open c1;51Testing软件测试网GG{l/qA\1d3c }
e:Y#?oa.O0       loop
] P#uo/N0V/G2b0         fetch c1 into v_firstnme, v_midinit, v_lastname;51Testing软件测试网 I&{:}Yar;P^#B
         if v_midinit = ' ' then51Testing软件测试网)q m.[7UK}C4HH
           leave fetch_loop;
TSs,I9i E @0         end if;
"j:nl-HM+c0         set v_counter = v_counter + 1;
XN!w;J7z1V [0       end loop fetch_loop;51Testing软件测试网"T4E1@ HjKr6k(}4e
       set counter = v_counter;
!j-f n4P:`4O0       close c1;
2d h{ B.z7K0     end
U"H H#DP"c0-- return的用法51Testing软件测试网+A9A/q4q(B%d
?1? O4qT&T k3E0     goto fail51Testing软件测试网M \W4RqkL3B&n
   ...51Testing软件测试网 vi\.[Y)g:H)d
     success: return 0
qPlb/Rh`S0     fail: return -200
u9F5S A9NF9v'NZ*d0   end
K3^W5VZ0 51Testing软件测试网/} EP5N,w
-- set变量 的用法
hu1Egq0set new_var.salary = 10000, new_var.comm = new_var.salary;51Testing软件测试网v5j6X&` Hyh*V
_3w_#g8G:O0set (new_var.salary, new_var.comm) = (10000, new_var.salary);51Testing软件测试网j7jm v7B%}&G
set (new_var.salary, new_var.comm)51Testing软件测试网&O bk&s2P4q7P
  = (select avg(salary), avg(comm)51Testing软件测试网m |:I*qBm4O.l!s
    from employee e51Testing软件测试网,yFK4}2aF+G
    where e.workdept = new_var.workdept);51Testing软件测试网0Gyu8nvc3E n
 51Testing软件测试网v/CF w-u/cC Q
-- whenever的用法51Testing软件测试网 |;S KN7M
   exec sql whenever sqlerror goto handlerr;
a4haer#|5l |0   exec sql whenever sqlwarning continue;51Testing软件测试网 w+ZC:e t8I mr6`
   exec sql whenever not found go to enddata;
r W LQD+w|,o0 51Testing软件测试网"|a,NV&~F/y
-- while的用法51Testing软件测试网G9bCx2Zn7Q
   create procedure dept_median51Testing软件测试网)N Q$s ?;i$WFbz wS
     (in deptnumber smallint, out mediansalary double)51Testing软件测试网` I?E|l#y"K
     language sql51Testing软件测试网V`q4N9F0\
     begin51Testing软件测试网"~mT.Z%b3Z7{+B-}%p C
       declare v_numrecords integer default 1;
(v0atWl wyzq0l7r+E0       declare v_counter integer default 0;51Testing软件测试网-o:u.}1j0T'{ L,T&f y
       declare c1 cursor for51Testing软件测试网.^6hMu.?w5g1^D
         select cast(salary as double)
'C#Tp^'i,O/^?o0           from staff51Testing软件测试网!@1NK/[2J
           where dept = deptnumber
yQ+P'S q ]0           order by salary;51Testing软件测试网1v(I#zy,k!\k
       declare exit handler for not found51Testing软件测试网X2Y b@T"V
         set mediansalary = 6666;51Testing软件测试网 y1E)B vd
       set mediansalary = 0;51Testing软件测试网/E!]7{|)d_OO
       select count(*) into v_numrecords51Testing软件测试网"R.t;d_YxV
         from staff51Testing软件测试网:u4G6j0ztxz6m;A l
         where dept = deptnumber;51Testing软件测试网 a8RpQ2Uu:im}
       open c1;
wey4~n-@*dj2j8h U0       while v_counter < (v_numrecords / 2 + 1) do
;W x0i)iA|m1S;l0         fetch c1 into mediansalary;
B{-T,wM%Y w;J;G&|!k0         set v_counter = v_counter + 1;51Testing软件测试网,l1T.x*[.L.v(b:z8|.Y
       end while;
8h$h1V.`o+k+L2rd0       close c1;51Testing软件测试网#t]%oDx4O
1m^Y` C LK(C*g0 51Testing软件测试网L0KZ)~x*t2Xh
-- set schema的用法51Testing软件测试网/]y)t0D4sx` [
set schema rick
n4F v9s&r2s0-- DB2保留关键字
Pue8F A0add                deterministic  leave         restart51Testing软件测试网;ZnI!B+Xk
after              disallow       left          restrict51Testing软件测试网GX-m#B(L2ET
alias              disconnect     like          result
i*[ wq'AD0all                distinct       linktype      result_set_locator
7zxB;C!yS7C:_h0allocate           do             local         return
k+K;C0H:kt(U0allow              double         locale        returns51Testing软件测试网!Z)o8b!q~k\m@7F
alter              drop           locator       revoke
(~Fd EJ1k"T Z z0and                dsnhattr       locators      right
&]'Ro$i/gZ0any                dssize         lock          rollback
]._d4f!}0application        dynamic        lockmax       routine51Testing软件测试网\U D!wfR
as                 each           locksize      row
5Mp(s'X+~.x#L0associate          editproc       long          rows51Testing软件测试网9U#nT9pb h;?1b1m e
asutime            else           loop          rrn
6eb3`&J9P!^~J8T]~0audit              elseif         maxvalue      run51Testing软件测试网Ze q]B j8H,z \)g{
authorization      encoding       microsecond   savepoint51Testing软件测试网"O'n#R:q$Ow:_
aux                end            microseconds  schema51Testing软件测试网DgvRe
auxiliary          end-exec       minute        scratchpad
U UP-~!D6k7@y K0before             end-exec1      minutes       second
xO,TD1Y.FQTr0begin              erase          minvalue      seconds51Testing软件测试网eyUBE vU Y-w
between            escape         mode          secqty
g?;HW:D_N@JL0binary             except         modifies      security
m,H:hw:L;l$g0bufferpool         exception      month         select
6@dr?P'Q,Cx0by                 excluding      months        sensitive
.R3z4|Z;al:a0cache              execute        new           set51Testing软件测试网:@"q AJY(_r ?-Q2S k
call               exists         new_table     signal
lq_b6qFlk0called             exit           no            simple
-_,O7Ot@7U1V*T tK0capture            external       nocache       some
?+gVsuN5?:g0cardinality        fenced         nocycle       source51Testing软件测试网.d!w;F"Z)JMGV
cascaded           fetch          nodename      specific
]-M$W_Ga2}9fLC0case               fieldproc      nodenumber    sql
r C)g(bc'L0cast               file           nomaxvalue    sqlid
n|j`#q'?0ccsid              final          nominvalue    standard51Testing软件测试网#K ]1UV m8x
char               for            noorder       start
-fd'k q#k!T/p`^0character          foreign        not           static51Testing软件测试网 J%`:gG8A-C/bwOa
check              free           null          stay
}:s![1J&R];EB,@0close              from           nulls         stogroup51Testing软件测试网t[N6s:I+cuy
cluster            full           numparts      stores
'A+i)s#K:q}0collection         function       obid          style51Testing软件测试网5Ns Ej(}(aw
collid             general        of            subpages
vH x;U|/J:S f0column             generated      old           substring51Testing软件测试网p-e X8gO*{
comment            get            old_table     synonym51Testing软件测试网}Hy-I3[t)@C
commit             global         on            sysfun
^+ML*eW^s6l*q0concat             go             open          sysibm
sI t`X+x+IzIhg[0condition          goto           optimization  sysproc51Testing软件测试网*e+v,J*\*JH{
connect            grant          optimize      system
*a$t2O2\] ~ i0connection         graphic        option        table51Testing软件测试网0a0d&p*L-uc3K
constraint         group          or            tablespace
UHO'g@iT9U@ j p0contains           handler        order         then51Testing软件测试网3J-Q2s/d&O {
continue           having         out           to
5C]]5btb7h2K0count              hold           outer         transaction51Testing软件测试网ZQa$\#YG)w&i D D4^!s
count_big          hour           overriding    trigger
oR\4O%s0B2oP0create             hours          package       trim51Testing软件测试网^ |:S~8WM
cross              identity       parameter     type
/z rl3l X,n*Z0current            if             part          undo
#PUu7f1c"E WM \S0current_date       immediate      partition     union
2iH8_-L3O&n.T)b|0current_lc_ctype   in             path          unique51Testing软件测试网x,y,F(z[[1~3p+X
current_path       including      piecesize     until51Testing软件测试网ZrP.fO
current_server     increment      plan          update
)|6|H_*f9Yt/HhfG]I0current_time       index          position      usage
4\H-Bg/`q'b.JM5X'T1}{0current_timestamp  indicator      precision     user51Testing软件测试网5e`+`\ k#T,p.fp
current_timezone   inherit        prepare       using
U;Vw5@2B5A5sq rj0current_user       inner          primary       validproc51Testing软件测试网,\H"@,y2cb3uM
cursor             inout          priqty        values51Testing软件测试网 DS u/M_P[6Y
cycle              insensitive    privileges    variable
8L'hRe1O.`Z5^_A0data               insert         procedure     variant51Testing软件测试网j#\-j*h:]+C
database           integrity      program       vcat
5S-gvk&Fub8}yt0day                into           psid          view51Testing软件测试网1u:{/hvd
days               is             queryno       volumes51Testing软件测试网gw ^$V.eGf6I
db2general         isobid         read          when
c+X&\tjC"Gd0db2genrl           isolation      reads         where51Testing软件测试网.V6v2gDo
db2sql             iterate        recovery      while
;vs^v h'S"ih0dbinfo             jar            references    with
b swD$X_0declare            java           referencing   wlm
cX!d.B H3Z0K0default            join           release       write51Testing软件测试网U3m0pL3o*`H:Kwe
defaults           key            rename        year
Rf;lG9P"I(r#I v#j0definition         label          repeat        years
-W:W7i3V] I0delete             language       reset51Testing软件测试网E$| x#OK"_&I
descrīptor         lc_ctype       resignal
j h \7B8`\3ZY6V0-- SQL99关键字51Testing软件测试网2O-vjof/q+C
absolute       describe        module      session
-P*i[#[7Rx0action         destroy         names       session_user51Testing软件测试网Z DL hV"tk
admin          destructor      national    sets51Testing软件测试网`LpW,VM4H\T Lc
aggregate      diagnostics     natural     size
!rrO.A't#X&H$^H0are            dictionary      nchar       smallint51Testing软件测试网6_&oC(?],[p+p2_"P q6e
array          domain          nclob       space
r+tNafF0asc            equals          next        specifictype51Testing软件测试网+`ta jA%Z,}k
assertion      every           none        sqlexception
l~?H,ELH0at             exec            numeric     sqlstate
{-\|K y(b0bit            false           object      sqlwarning51Testing软件测试网n|S+~#q^
blob           first           off         state51Testing软件测试网+ic0A0R5oI4UmO(J
boolean        float           only        statement
q~/C/J2i&H F2W |0both           found           operation   structure51Testing软件测试网I'g3{f${
breadth        grouping        ordinality  system_user51Testing软件测试网 K"B@a+eh_
cascade        host            output      temporary
L'}{Wq VcY0catalog        ignore          pad         terminate51Testing软件测试网6B'z B9\Q7E B
class          initialize      parameters  than51Testing软件测试网}-R1d0D4K
clob           initially       partial     time
_8r:E^*F(I4Fs0collate        input           postfix     timestamp51Testing软件测试网t%EC%d){:P y;^&@ n^#l
collation      int             prefix      timezone_hour
b"l p&X$JR k0completion     integer         preorder    timezone_minute
0A&\ O&D1LL0{y%X#L0constraints    intersect       preserve    trailing51Testing软件测试网]4E Rzq{ a|!o!K
constructor    interval        prior       translation51Testing软件测试网h'd x(n8_H
corresponding  large           public      treat
_*?6fp%VI&_9f)B0cube           last            real        true
r,g_1z/[dI P0current_role   lateral         recursive   under51Testing软件测试网6}[4Il v
date           leading         ref         unknown51Testing软件测试网O8? ~nl%~:M h,]f
deallocate     less            relative    unnest51Testing软件测试网[ T9sKs2C!z
dec            level           role        value
0A%fg.@+V!J![0decimal        limit           rollup      varchar
x-[vR+T#r-T kWp0deferrable     localtime       scope       varying51Testing软件测试网!~0C,zu_B(r[
deferred       localtimestamp  scroll      whenever
C$Z ]CX"d0depth          map             search      without51Testing软件测试网uz [fIq0y
deref          match           section     work
+Im0mRT\*{9t0desc           modify          sequence    zone
"Z]g)K+k0--create type (结构化的)用法51Testing软件测试网vrA0V&F?g
   create type dept as
uN1]F rul_8z'Z~ I%Y0      (dept name     varchar(20),51Testing软件测试网v j9l;zv
         max_emps int)
!yC,ge`F&n+O0         ref using int
1`%ax/J%z'| ]L x0      mode db2sql

b^3n4r |#dT[2|u051Testing软件测试网4C&K${K5u;]'ZF

   create type emp as51Testing软件测试网Yz'St"OqL
     (name      varchar(32),51Testing软件测试网!m]/Xx-Qo;W(z
     serialnum int,51Testing软件测试网)x Hv q#CEp2sf$E~.w:B
     dept      ref(dept),
#S4W3h [ |yK1Eer0     salary    decimal(10,2))51Testing软件测试网-R)m WP m @
     mode db2sql
4k.Bq2nH#K&|.qT _0   create type mgr under emp as51Testing软件测试网*AE0`O ` SR Q
     (bonus     decimal(10,2))51Testing软件测试网f2}M(TaRB
     mode db2sql

'UQb,xv!r0B051Testing软件测试网6l%v Z0c#T!g:r}7Q

)` i$Q8ufO9x~0   create type address_t as51Testing软件测试网1Pfs x6V:\`#Rj7T
     (street     varchar(30),51Testing软件测试网;M5`5DJWP0MX
     number     char(15),
pM7Z7WR*YC"t0     city       varchar(30),
Wa.pg)mL)l0     state      varchar(10))
g9T G%p9{~l u0     not final51Testing软件测试网f%?yz ZZ;yn
     mode db2sql51Testing软件测试网5`-g!k4o:vv
       method samezip (addr address_t)51Testing软件测试网(\e%Yk-yS @e
       returns integer51Testing软件测试网E3f~|-Y_v$ae
       language sql51Testing软件测试网I*~R1d0o r%i
M/YXxJN3U]Q0       contains sql51Testing软件测试网 ~GBbGH?6A
       no external action,51Testing软件测试网b?^+U?J;{z
       method distance (address_t)51Testing软件测试网 zH3f?+s yJ'n
       returns float
2G J-a:D(O3XM#QAl1n0       language c51Testing软件测试网U ZoIs p`6|2c
9`8B~Y!GB0       parameter style sql
[1X~]P0       no sql51Testing软件测试网r[ P0x(v&SVI
       no external action
i`6_1hS$Y `0 
Qa:Uo2uBGh0   create type germany_addr_t under address_t as51Testing软件测试网.t6w^'czL7T?
     (family_name varchar(30))
2}K1b SE7\wy0     not final
5F1z2Vw)D!^Yh0     mode db2sql51Testing软件测试网;[h.j d9}~AS s
 51Testing软件测试网!O le@2A)}#D ^
   create type us_addr_t under address_t as
1rb6w bk0     (zip varchar(10))51Testing软件测试网3oP^5[3GkAO5L
     not final51Testing软件测试网.] ?r B9v[#D*K~
     mode db2sql51Testing软件测试网/r}9P\yL%j T%W

51Testing软件测试网 W:E;aw@!Z

   create type project as
;PX"dXwZP7@4c0     (proj_name  varchar(20),
Wup-iViqg2h0      proj_id    integer,
@ Ek.Jv&u(u9m0      proj_mgr   mgr,51Testing软件测试网)V udk.l]l Ib+`
      proj_lead  emp,51Testing软件测试网W E}}jk/f9yxP_
      location   addr_t,51Testing软件测试网F*L!o5B T3a.]X
      avail_date date)51Testing软件测试网%t6LfPXh5B6H
      mode db2sql


SvivU%DV!V8@0 51Testing软件测试网C#W)A6`G1z*]
-- create type mapping的用法51Testing软件测试网(U_ K l6nCZb
create type mapping my_oracle_date
Hjl8~7I)SK0  from local type sysibm.date51Testing软件测试网%M4c#et]$d!\TKN
  to server type oracle51Testing软件测试网:U:ab,U v%u4T
  remote type date
5Mt2@)Ww&`_ ^0 
;QP!`#h1l!X|6F0create type mapping my_oracle_dec
/Q m`~+]f*?B-f%\0  from local type sysibm.decimal(10,2)51Testing软件测试网8mR3Ee9[;e L6L&Fw
  to server oracle151Testing软件测试网6?u\Sc*f0J)Ev8X
  remote type number([10..38],2)51Testing软件测试网 v8\(x3Xg|K#Lr)c`
 51Testing软件测试网)pM kH(eA3ZA9FaF
create type mapping my_oracle_char51Testing软件测试网3VJ tX Q(qrQ
  from local type sysibm.varchar()51Testing软件测试网4hjR hp6h
  to server oracle151Testing软件测试网\Q5j}8g1Hl U3}-M
  remote type char()51Testing软件测试网v _ Oh&~!Q2C:AL
u:\ m_f`T0create type mapping my_oracle_dec51Testing软件测试网^D HQ'P~7M-C ~!S
  to local type sysibm.decimal(10,2)
x l0Z X2b3b-u0  from server oracle251Testing软件测试网"|&t*Uf T2N o
  remote type number(10,2)
;?6l)fhs u.j0 51Testing软件测试网1v.~&N/X)P6D
-- create user mapping的用法
y9L5y+{d0create user mapping for rspalten51Testing软件测试网t.O}}4kX i ]W&GD
  server server39051Testing软件测试网.Z8N,xtP:t
*F xtxNuI0  (remote_authid 'system',51Testing软件测试网W(z Z6nmh!K*Fy
  remote_password 'manager')51Testing软件测试网 KCN;?3dJ*~
B\/U9U(T| h0create user mapping for marcr51Testing软件测试网SfW*X3Kz
  server oracle151Testing软件测试网7W4r;j'Fz0j
  options51Testing软件测试网'F0}tL fh4lkp)bX
  (remote_password 'nzxczy')

a0eY P-mn6U7t w ~QR051Testing软件测试网wms ` @%er

8r3E3] r.q+R0-- case的用法
W4|pV2?/xy0case v_workdept51Testing软件测试网+SR2i(OJ
.H_H3Ga5Ev0    then update department51Testing软件测试网8T?Q,q ^6}V4qbX
    set deptname = 'data access 1';51Testing软件测试网#q {oBJ
  when 'b01'
},N~u,e0    then update department51Testing软件测试网Q X,y{@B#U6fh-T
    set deptname = 'data access 2';
Z+r$P,VR^0G0  else update department51Testing软件测试网;w Yz$hx&r8j"Oc$M
    set deptname = 'data access 3';
B],N'\'p*w0end case51Testing软件测试网Z8[0O,]$b"v`iK
B fI-\f%M0case
(^6J0g%Dn_w0  when v_workdept = 'a00'
&v{C/r~.t4u9n0    then update department
&Ar~me?Z6H!x#Y;p0    set deptname = 'data access 1';51Testing软件测试网Sr$QL Ir
  when v_workdept = 'b01'51Testing软件测试网wD E!QS2r1y
    then update department
UJ0bSt/]h R.V3b4g,J0    set deptname = 'data access 2';
Ko V ~0]v!F0  else update department51Testing软件测试网0na"n7f%{1z9[7b
    set deptname = 'data access 3';
gEtiLA0end case51Testing软件测试网8v^C,\%GOKi
 51Testing软件测试网'r#N Q(c'fC3e5I
-- create trigger的用法
)Qw,j*c*v I0create trigger new_hired51Testing软件测试网3qhJ!|.g m9E%kD
  after insert on employee51Testing软件测试网d(Z^9u:D
  for each row
qB8l4g;N}0  update company_stats set nbemp = nbemp + 1
L4T}4P P7v'Lt0 
p{a u%A7q]0create trigger former_emp51Testing软件测试网-Pt%W'X5j7F*d"^ KR
  after delete on employee51Testing软件测试网b"t$e:CM8g/`*|
  for each row51Testing软件测试网lS}G[^g3~
  update company_stats set nbemp = nbemp - 151Testing软件测试网:Uu[ a ]S"e
create trigger reorder51Testing软件测试网ey [1Pf:sG9zE%m j
  after update of on_hand, max_stocked on parts51Testing软件测试网^^]1w z:R1m:eD
  referencing new as n51Testing软件测试网z*Uo,nI-ma6k [~8B
  for each row
#](SdE&T3N X0  when (n.on_hand < 0.10 * n.max_stocked)
9K-Eq&K vT0  begin atomic
G&sKYZi0  values(issue_ship_request(n.max_stocked - n.on_hand, n.partno));51Testing软件测试网8X QKxv~
V,G\&GXo A(T pT0create trigger raise_limit
v;D#L&J`7f7B0  after update of salary on employee
w\A&aw2d0  referencing new as n old as o51Testing软件测试网 uxJ`!Q
  for each row
(@dlM6O0  when (n.salary > 1.1 * o.salary)
q/u_%p1_*S&Wa0         signal sqlstate '75000' set message_text='salary increase>10%'51Testing软件测试网1He wFiN6a
BFL;Q3A|6g;t0create trigger stock_status51Testing软件测试网1?/?1^ P-F7F&Q9d
  no cascade before update of quote on currentquote51Testing软件测试网J{Z3_sQ5_K
  referencing new as newquote old as oldquote51Testing软件测试网C7jh$zD)v BE,G
  for each row
2ZKM*|dM0  begin atomic
(?&~pG$n#qp@Q0     set newquote.status =
5v p f}:K#f*E0       case
SW'B5N'P.K0          when newquote.quote >51Testing软件测试网/P8fb$P0sY
                (select max(quote) from quotehistory51Testing软件测试网$mRT.n#u'K gi
                where symbol = newquote.symbol51Testing软件测试网I;s {-yG0li4a%c
                and year(quote_timestamp) = year(current date) )
6h'V6Irv\0             then 'high'
/gl'}+{&s_0sL0          when newquote.quote < (select min(quote) from quotehistory51Testing软件测试网4}K:k0z+LHa q
                where symbol = newquote.symbol
3@8~/CcG0                and year(quote_timestamp) = year(current date) )51Testing软件测试网k4];]9p4~`;}&`)g
             then 'low'
*l%d J4O5k'A:m!}0          when newquote.quote > oldquote.quote51Testing软件测试网5a.mw n dXn W1l
             then 'rising'
"bR)}nI/D0          when newquote.quote < oldquote.quote
7HE*u8DM-D7}G0             then 'dropping'51Testing软件测试网'S E ?VB3k']
          when newquote.quote = oldquote.quote51Testing软件测试网 A8N(cS:VFo
             then 'steady'51Testing软件测试网 k:r&D"`FQ:G
!vX4a._s"C-WR1k0  end
k-I`$s:YF!f!XK0 51Testing软件测试网.|^|/e(b(qXPK
create trigger record_history
3\T+|O#\0  after update of quote on currentquote
(J [1I4O5zx0  referencing new as newquote
/X;wy^AW|0  for each row51Testing软件测试网&vV8D&x#M+gu+^3t
  begin atomic
8z!d2{x'R yN ~0    insert into quotehistory51Testing软件测试网%y2{4iv.s Qn
      values (newquote.symbol, newquote.quote, current timestamp);51Testing软件测试网.v N%t%?2a


-- create tablespace 的用法
S2[ }]u([{0create tablespace payroll51Testing软件测试网(As+T#q.x.br
  managed by database
U$`*} Zv&yyw#}0  using (device'/dev/rhdisk6' 10000,
Ck[0~6b&}(? ~*l0    device '/dev/rhdisk7' 10000,51Testing软件测试网D,s zis!z
    device '/dev/rhdisk8' 10000)
tQNQU'eJ4k0  overhead 12.6751Testing软件测试网J'V HG[;l^S
  transferrate 0.18
k,Be]X}OV\4n~/w0create tablespace accounting
r4s_ z3ccGZ0  managed by system51Testing软件测试网 h shA J/CoA#D-p
  using ('d:\acc_tbsp', 'e:\acc_tbsp', 'f:\acc_tbsp')
{Q0H7l x)^9\y0  extentsize 64
6\? T%U4v~0  prefetchsize 32

c4En(Lrs1v051Testing软件测试网R,@|z)y#b j#di

create tablespace plans
1vJ&h"t:l0  managed by database51Testing软件测试网dteS Xj6lgl2Q
  using (device '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, device '/dev/rn1hd01' 40000)
F&EdXp0  on dbpartitionnum (1)51Testing软件测试网#rM.?*j!u YuC-W R$w
  using (device '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, device '/dev/rn3hd03' 40000)51Testing软件测试网Q \[4Yo9F2h.v K.w.[
  on dbpartitionnum (3)51Testing软件测试网SS#\ z-Z
  using (device '/dev/rhdisk0' 10000, device '/dev/rn5hd05' 40000)51Testing软件测试网v\;s"P;p7Ni
  on dbpartitionnum (5)51Testing软件测试网it+G~ o3j

)sO/Xo,n F!}u/K0 51Testing软件测试网uS/X'M [e sI
-- 带case查询条件语句
;b5G"B t2wZ0select (case b.organtypecode
.CquVzMi+\M5|O0         when 'D' then
%Y/L@)e-F\8VJ WRpi(rk0          b.parent51Testing软件测试网l]-M-k,o.t r
         when 'S' then
rZG/Xl8F;q _Z0          b.parent51Testing软件测试网1ya1A%q"qm2E8Y&M
-U\KVV@e(M0          b.id
7}7[2}|/xgi0       end),51Testing软件测试网 D5N/rY V w1So X
       b.name51Testing软件测试网9SbGnk X)I
  from A_ORGAN b
%f.z.V*[(g2mb0 where b.id = 999

8Q!IO d*q}z051Testing软件测试网9E&u"Zx+@

 51Testing软件测试网8hK mgS-u2f

TAG: 数据库




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