
发表于:2014-6-23 09:34

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 作者:blfshiye    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

  // ===========sql语句方式操作SQLite数据库================================
public void insert() {
db.execSQL("insert into person(name, phone, money) values(?, ?, ?)",
new Object[] { "大明", "18666", 6000 });
db.execSQL("insert into person(name, phone, money) values(?, ?, ?)",
new Object[] { "小红", "18666", 6000 });
db.execSQL("insert into person(name, phone, money) values(?, ?, ?)",
new Object[] { "大红", "18666", 6000 });
public void delete() {
db.execSQL("delete from person where name = ?", new Object[] { "大明" });
public void update() {
db.execSQL("update person set money = 10000 where name = ?",
new Object[] { "小明" });
public void query() {
// 游标,存放查询返回的数据,获取方法跟resultSet高度雷同
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from person", new String[] {});
while (c.moveToNext()) {
String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name"));
String phone = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("phone"));
System.out.println(name + ";" + phone);
  // ==============谷歌提供的api对SQLite数据库的操作======================
* api-insert data to table
public void insertApi() {
ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
cv.put("name", "微明");
cv.put("phone", 15666);
cv.put("money", 630);
long id = db.insert("person", null, cv);
* api-delete data from table
* @return the number of rows affected
public int deleteApi() {
int affectedNum = db.delete("person", "name=?", new String[] { "小红" });
return affectedNum;
* api-update
public void updateApi() {
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
contentValues.put("name", "小红");
contentValues.put("money", "10");
// return the number of rows affected
db.update("person", contentValues, "name=?", new String[] { "大红" });
public void queryApi() {
Cursor cursor = db.query("person", new String[] { "phone", "money" },
null, null, null, null, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
String phone = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("phone"));
String money = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("money"));
System.out.println(phone + "##" + money);



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