
发表于:2014-3-04 11:10

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 作者:软件测试员    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

Wapiti-2.2.1 - A web application vulnerability scanner
Usage: python wapiti.py http://server.com/base/url/ [options]
Supported options are:
To specify an url to start with
To exclude an url from the scan (for example logout scripts)
You can also use a wildcard (*)
Example : -x "http://server/base/?page=*&module=test"
or -x http://server/base/admin/* to exclude a directory
To specify a proxy
Exemple: -p http://proxy:port/
To use a cookie
To fix the timeout (in seconds)
Set credentials for HTTP authentication
Doesn't work with Python 2.4
Remove a parameter from URLs
Define a limit of urls to read with the same pattern
Use this option to prevent endless loops
Must be greater than 0
Set the modules and HTTP methods to use for attacks.
Example: -m "-all,xss:get,exec:post"
Use color to highlight vulnerables parameters in output
Set the verbosity level
0: quiet (default), 1: print each url, 2: print every attack
Set the type of the report
xml: Report in XML format
html: Report in HTML format
Set the name of the report file
If the selected report type is "html", this parameter must be a directory
This parameter indicates Wapiti to continue with the scan from the specified
file, this file should contain data from a previous scan.
The file is optional, if it is not specified, Wapiti takes the default file
from \"scans\" folder.
This parameter indicates Wapiti to perform attacks without scanning again the
website and following the data of this file.
The file is optional, if it is not specified, Wapiti takes the default file
from \"scans\" folder.
To print this usage message


  • forgive
    2014-3-05 08:06:48




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