
发表于:2012-3-02 10:01

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 作者:lwb75(CSDNblog)    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编


// sort.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h" // SYSTEMTIME
#include "stdlib.h"  // system调用

#define SIZE 9

typedef struct
 int key;
 char name[10];

// 0号数据不参与排序,只用作监督哨或者临时变量
Data ListOld[] = {{0, "零号"}, {49, "一号"}, {38, "二号"}, {65, "三号"}, {97, "四号"}, {76, "五号"}, {13, "六号"}, {27, "七号"}, {49, "八号"}};
Data ListNew[SIZE];

void PrintData(Data *pData, int n);
void CopyList(Data *pNew, Data *pOld, int n);
void InsertSort(Data *pData, int n);
void QuickSort(Data *pData, int n);
void BubbleSort(Data *pData, int n);
void SelectSort(Data *pData, int n);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 int i;


  scanf("%d", &i);

  switch( i )
  case 1:
   GetLocalTime(&sys);  // 记录排序开始时间
   printf("%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d 星期%1d\n" ,sys.wYear,sys.wMonth,
   InsertSort(ListOld, SIZE);
  case 2:
   QuickSort(ListOld, SIZE);
  case 3:
   BubbleSort(ListOld, SIZE);
  case 4:
   SelectSort(ListOld, SIZE);
 }while(i != 0);

 return 0;

void PrintData(Data *pData, int n)
 int i;
 for(i=1; i<n; i++)
  printf("%d,%s   ", pData[i].key, pData[i].name);

void CopyList(Data *pNew, Data *pOld, int n)
 for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
  pNew[i] = pOld[i];

// 插入排序
void InsertSort(Data *pData, int n)
 int i, j;

 CopyList(ListNew, pData, n);
 for(i=2; i<n; i++)
  if(ListNew[i].key < ListNew[i-1].key)
   ListNew[0] = ListNew[i];
   for(j=i-1; ListNew[0].key < ListNew[j].key; j--)
    ListNew[j+1] = ListNew[j];
   ListNew[j+1] = ListNew[0];
 PrintData(ListOld, SIZE);
 PrintData(ListNew, SIZE);

// 快速排序
int Partition(Data *pData, int low, int high)
 int pivotkey = pData[low].key;
 pData[0] = pData[low];

 while(low < high)
  while(low<high && pData[high].key>=pivotkey)
  pData[low] = pData[high];
  while(low<high && pData[low].key<=pivotkey)
  pData[high] = pData[low];
 pData[low] = pData[0];

 return low;
void QSort(Data *pData, int low, int high)
 int pivotloc;

 if(low < high)
  pivotloc = Partition(pData, low, high);
  QSort(pData, low, pivotloc-1);
  QSort(pData, pivotloc+1, high);
void QuickSort(Data *pData, int n)
 CopyList(ListNew, pData, n);
 QSort(ListNew, 1, n-1);
 PrintData(ListOld, SIZE);
 PrintData(ListNew, SIZE);

void BubbleSort(Data *pData, int n)
 int i, j, isExchanged;

 CopyList(ListNew, pData, n);
 for(i=1; i<n-1; i++)
  isExchanged = 0;

  for(j=1; j<n-i; j++)
   if(ListNew[j].key > ListNew[j+1].key)
    ListNew[0] = ListNew[j];
    ListNew[j] = ListNew[j+1];
    ListNew[j+1] = ListNew[0];

    isExchanged = 1;

  if( !isExchanged )

 PrintData(ListOld, SIZE);
 PrintData(ListNew, SIZE);

// 选择排序
void SelectSort(Data *pData, int n)
 int i, j, index;

 CopyList(ListNew, pData, n);
 for(i=1; i<n; i++)
  index = i;
  for(j=i+1; j<n; j++)
   if(ListNew[j].key < ListNew[index].key)
    index = j;

  if(index != i)
   ListNew[0] = ListNew[i];
   ListNew[i] = ListNew[index];
   ListNew[index] = ListNew[0];

 PrintData(ListOld, SIZE);
 PrintData(ListNew, SIZE);




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