
发表于:2017-11-06 15:53

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 作者:SQA Report    来源:软件质量报道

  MaxTAF是一款号称无障碍( trouble-free)的、有效的测试自动化解决方案,最大限度地提高测试自动化的两个最关键的指标:
  早在几年前,它还处在Beta版本时作者就关注了它。几年过后,如今已是2.5版本,已经很成熟了,特定向大家介绍。这个工具有几个特点:可以不编程(基于XML的脚本实现,但同时支持面向程序员的Java / JUnit增强功能)、扩展性好、元素库丰富、专注Maximo等,下面一一介绍。
  1. 基于XML的脚本实现
  2. 扩展性好
  专门设置了一层(Integration Layer,MIF)完成和ESB(企业服务总线)、数据库和Web UI 的集成,见下面MaxTAF架构及其扩展。
  3. 元素库丰富
  General MXML tags - these tags deal with the general test behavior and logic. They are used to control the general flow of the test.
  MBO tags - these tags are used for direct MBO interaction. They can be used to invoke or query MBO logic.
  MIF tags - these tags are used for the Maximo integration framework interaction. They can be used to invoke MIF related logic:check the external system, enterprise services,etc.
  UI tags - these tags are used to interact with elements which can be seen on the screen and are needed to run Selenium based tests.
  DB tags - these tags are used to perform database related transactions. They can be used to open and close connection to the DB, to fetch results, loop through results etc.
  NET tags - these tags are used to perform basic network related operations.
  TIME tags - these tags deal with time related functionality.
  WF tags - these tags are used for Maximo workflow management:initiate, complete or stop workflows, check for user's assignments etc.
  4. 专注Maximo
  专注制造业、运输业、房地产等企业资产管理(EAM)一类系统的自动化测试,符合IBM Maximo EAM标准。
  IBM Maximo Asset Management is an enterprise asset management (EAM) software solution product produced by IBM. It is a solution which enterprises use to track the operation, maintenance and disposal of assets.[1] It focuses on the following types of assets:
  Plant and production
  Real estate and facilities
  EAM is globally known to be critical in asset intensive industries, i.e., utilities, oil & gas, pharma., rail & transit, heavy manufacturing, and facilities including hospitals, campuses and hotel.



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