
发表于:2015-7-23 13:23

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 作者:silenceer    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

  参数在xml文件中可以在suite级别定义,也可以在test级别定义;testNG会尝试先在包含当前类的test标签中寻找参数,如果没找到则在上层的suite标签中查找。即在test标签中相同的参数对当前类当前方法的优先级比较高。 testNG支持这种传参方式的类型如下:String、 int/Integer、boolean/Boolean、 byte/Byte、 char/Character、 
double/Double、 float/Float、 long/Long、 short/Short。对于非上述类型TestNG无法通过这种方式进行传参,可以通过@DataProvider方式传参
public class ParameterTest {
* Following method takes one parameter as input. Value of the
* said parameter is defined at suite level.
@Parameters({ "suite-param" })
public void prameterTestOne(String param) {
System.out.println("Test one suite param is: " + param);
* Following method takes one parameter as input. Value of the
* said parameter is defined at test level.
@Parameters({ "test-two-param" })
public void prameterTestTwo(String param) {
System.out.println("Test two param is: " + param);
* Following method takes two parameters as input. Value of the
* test parameter is defined at test level. The suite level
* parameter is overridden at the test level.
@Parameters({ "suite-param", "test-three-param" })
public void prameterTestThree(String param, String paramTwo) {
System.out.println("Test three suite param is: " + param);
System.out.println("Test three param is: " + paramTwo);



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