一个比较好用的Socket测试工具—Hercules SETUP

发表于:2015-4-20 11:17

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 作者:排骨虾    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

  官网:http://www.hw-group.com/products/hercules/index_en.html 不要再自己傻傻的写socket测试客户端了微笑
  Hercules is great utility if you are working with the serial and Ethernet devices & interfaces.
  General useful parts :
  · Serial port terminal (COM5 and higher support)
  · TCP/IP Client terminal (similar to "Telnet")
  · TCP/IP Server "terminal"
  · UDP "terminal"
  For HW group devices only :
  · UDP Config utility (IP, Port, MASK, GW setting)
  · Test mode (TCP/IP terminal with TEA authorization support and NVT (Network virtual Terminal) parser for remote I/O pins control.



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