
发表于:2010-5-19 17:09

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 作者:译者:黄捷    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编


  6. Design your tests Whether it is finding boundary values, applying combinatorial techniques, drawing pictures, or creating models, it helps to put thought into your test design. During exploratory testing, consciously alternate your test planning and product learning.

  7. Know your feature Whatever features you're testing, you should know the design, limitations, bugs logged by others, code churn, and interactions with other features.

  8. Work with others to test your feature Work with testers with different expertise to test your feature. Brainstorm test ideas and ask for their feedback.

  9. Learn your product Even if you're only responsible for a small feature area, becoming an expert on your product and the other new features can help you be a better tester.

  10. Foster good relationships with your developers Testing can be adversarial, and it is easy to flip the "bozo" bit on some of the people you work with. To find out the latest and get your bugs fixed, it helps to develop strong relationships with the developers that fix your bugs.

  11. Expand your scope and network Successful people have strong networks they can rely on for expertise and advice. Work both within your company and externally to meet new people and develop professional connections.

  12. Find mentors/role models I've worked with some amazing testers, and learned a lot from them. To improve your skills, look for mentors to meet with, or role models to emulate.

  13. Be self-critical Testers are great at finding flaws in software. It can help to turn some of that attention inward, and identify what you need to improve.

  14. Manage your time It is easy to get focused on big tasks or distracted by meetings, and not make time for learning, bug hunting, or a healthy life. To avoid burnout, learn how to manage your time.

  15. Automate wisely Automated tests may lack the same "peripheral vision" as a skilled tester. When done wrong, automation can lead to spectacularly unmaintainable code that doesn't provide value in assessing product quality. But careful automation can provide value in noticing defects faster.

  16. Improve your coding skills I've met some talented testers who'd rather not write code. Arguably, just as movie critics become jaded and don't appreciate the move-going public, when I put on my coding hat I think differently from customers. But coding is a valued skill, and it can help you become better at reading code and understanding the internals of your product, as well as become better at small tools to make mundane tasks easier.

  17. Attend triage In the final days before shipping, triage teams review bugs to decide what to fix and what to postpone. If you don't normally get invited, ask to attend. It is fascinating to see the roles of tester reputation, customer impact, and perceived risk balanced to make decisions.

  18. Keep learning Whether it be a soft skill, like public speaking, programming language, or new test technique, successful testers take time from their busy days to keep learning.

  19. Enjoy what you do, and do it well If you can't afford to leave your job, you need to learn how to love it. Testers can get cynical, especially during challenging release cycles. Testers who enjoy their work, and exceed expectations will do well. Special thanks to all those who provided tips. For privacy, I'm not listing the names here, but I've emailed you all to thank you. I learned a lot from all of you.



  • yangyiyi
    2010-5-21 11:04:11

    Very good advices,very usefull



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