代码可测性度量工具Testability explorer

发表于:2010-1-25 12:44

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 作者:liangjz    来源:51Testing软件测试博客


  D:\project\morgan\trunk\member.service.china> mvn clean install

  D:\project\morgan\trunk\member.service.china>mvn com.google.testability-explorer:maven-testability-plugin:1.3.4-SNAPSHOT:testability

  或者看: http://code.google.com/p/testability-explorer/wiki/HowToMakeARelease



Issues that cause the most untestable classes

Cost: 6,376

Classcom.alibaba.china.biz.dal.EncryptPtpis hard to test because:

It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor.

These static initializers will need to be run once, when the class is loaded.Why is it bad?

On line 30,
 static void generateCipher(String)is declared
 contributing 20% of total class cost

Instead of initializing this state statically, try initializing a fresh copy in each instance. Creating new objects in Java is cheap, and this static state can't be cleaned up between tests.

Cost: 6,254

Classcom.alibaba.china.biz.common.security.BlowfishEncrypteris hard to test because:

It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor.

These static initializers will need to be run once, when the class is loaded.Why is it bad?

On line 29,
 static BlowfishEncrypter()is declared
 contributing 20% of total class cost

Instead of initializing this state statically, try initializing a fresh copy in each instance. Creating new objects in Java is cheap, and this static state can't be cleaned up between tests.

Cost: 4,982

Classcom.alibaba.china.member.internal.security.Authenticationis hard to test because:

It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor







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